Surviving the Summer Holidays - Our Top Survival Tips

Surviving the Summer Holidays - Our Top Survival Tips

Ah, the long summer holidays—weeks of endless fun, laughter, and magical bonding with your kids... or so we tell ourselves. In reality, it’s more like an Olympic sport where the events include “who can yell ‘I’m bored!’ the loudest,” “how many times can I step on LEGO before I snap,” and “how long can I go without losing my cool.”

If you’re an exhausted parent bracing for the chaos, don’t worry—you’re not alone. With a little planning, some creative tricks, and a hefty dose of humour, you can survive the holidays with your sanity intact.

1. Communication Is Key (aka Let’s Avoid a Holiday Mutiny)
Kids love surprises… unless it’s being told you’re going to the supermarket instead of the water park. So, do yourself a favour and let them in on what’s happening each day.

The Plan:
Create a holiday calendar together. Make it fun—stickers, drawings, or even bribery (kidding, kind of). Include everything from trips and playdates to “lazy PJ days” (because those are non-negotiable).
When they know what’s coming, they’ll ask fewer questions like, “What are we doing today?”—or at least they’ll ask slightly fewer

2. Boredom Is Your Friend (Seriously, Hear Me Out)
The dreaded “I’m bored!” is coming, and there’s no escape. But here’s the thing: boredom is actually great for kids. It forces them to think, create, and entertain themselves—aka giving you 10 blessed minutes of peace.

The Hack:
At the start of the holidays, sit down and make a boredom list together. It’s a magical tool that shifts the responsibility of entertainment back to them. Include stuff like:

  • Build a fort out of blankets.

  • Ride your bike.

  • Make a craft (and don’t glue the dog again).

  • Play a board game.

When they whine about boredom, whip out the list and say, “Pick one!” Then pat yourself on the back for parenting like a boss.

3. Set Boundaries (Because You’re Not a Full-Time Butler)
The holidays can turn into one long trail of messes if you’re not careful. Toys, games, and snacks everywhere—it’s like a tornado went through your house, and somehow, you’re the cleanup crew.

The Rule:
Before starting a new activity, they pack up the old one. Simple. Effective. Will it take a while to stick? Sure. Will it save your sanity in the long run? Absolutely.
Bonus tip: introduce a daily quiet time. For example, after lunch, everyone finds a low-energy activity (movies, books, staring into space—whatever works). It’s not just for their benefit—you need the downtime too!

4. Embrace the Chaos (Within Reason)
Look, the holidays are going to be messy, loud, and full of “Where are my shoes?!” moments. But not everything has to be perfect. The best memories are often the messy ones—playing board games that end in laughter (or cheating accusations), baking cookies that somehow use three bags of flour, or just sitting together and chatting about nothing.
So, let go of the Pinterest-perfect expectations and embrace the chaos

5. Tag-Team It Like Pros
If you’re co-parenting, tag-team whenever possible. Got tricky in-laws to visit? Divide and conquer. Need to clean up the post-craft carnage? One handles the glitter, the other tackles the glue-covered child.
Teamwork makes the dream work—and gives you a chance to escape for five minutes of sweet, sweet silence.

The Bottom Line: You’ve Got This
Summer holidays are equal parts magical and exhausting, but you’re not alone in feeling like a referee in a tiny human circus. Communicate, embrace boredom, set boundaries, and carve out downtime wherever you can.
And when all else fails? Remember: school will start again. Until then, keep the coffee brewing, the snacks stocked, and your sense of humour intact. You’re doing amazing, and someday (probably when they’re grown), you’ll even miss this madness.

Good luck—you’ve got this


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